CGI-BBS > JAVA/JavaScript > JavaScript > JavaScript IE7でをプルダウンメニューを開けない。


質問者 ceaki  投稿日 2007/9/9(日) 21:52:07 IE6では問題がありませんでした。

Required menu Settings

   DQM_sub_menu_width = 200

   DQM_urltarget = "_self"
   DQM_onload_statement = ""
   DQM_codebase = ""

   DQM_border_color = "#FFFFFF"
   DQM_menu_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"
   DQM_hl_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"

   DQM_sub_xy = "0,0"
   DQM_border_width = 1
   DQM_divider_height = 1

   /*---IE5-MAC Offset Fix - The following two
   -----parameters correct a position reporting
   -----bug in IE5 on the Mac platform. Adjust
   -----the offsets below untill the first level
   -----sub menus pop up in the correct location.*/
   DQM_ie5mac_offset_X = 10
   DQM_ie5mac_offset_Y = 12

Required font Settings

   DQM_textcolor = "#031E56"
   DQM_fontfamily = "Arial"
   DQM_fontsize = 11
   DQM_textdecoration = "normal"
   DQM_fontweight = "normal"
   DQM_fontstyle = "normal"
   DQM_hl_textcolor = "#031E56"
   DQM_hl_textdecoration = "normal"

   DQM_margin_top = 2
   DQM_margin_bottom = 0
   DQM_margin_left = 6

Optional main menu rollover images
   DQM_rollover_image0 = "images/i_nav_policies_rl.gif"
   DQM_rollover_wh0 = "105,56" 
   DQM_url0 = "#";
   DQM_rollover_image1 = "images/i_nav_products_rl.gif"
   DQM_rollover_wh1 = "69,56" 
   DQM_url0 = "#";

Optional Icon Images

DQM_icon_image0 = "images/blt.gif"
DQM_icon_rollover0 = "images/blt_rl.gif"
DQM_icon_image_wh0 = "6,6"

DQM_icon_image1 = "images/blt.gif"
DQM_icon_rollover1 = "images/blt_rl.gif"
DQM_icon_image_wh1 = "6,6"

Sub Menu Item Settings

DQM_sub_xy0 = "-97,40"
DQM_sub_menu_width0 = 130
DQM_subdesc0_0 = "Occupational Health"
DQM_subdesc0_1 = "Quality"
DQM_icon_index0_0 = 0
DQM_icon_index0_1 = 0
DQM_url0_0 = "occupational_health.html" 
DQM_url0_1 = "quality.html"

DQM_sub_xy1 = "-64,40"
DQM_sub_menu_width1 = 130
DQM_subdesc1_0 = "Load Banks"
DQM_subdesc1_1 = "Pumping"
DQM_subdesc1_2 = "Power Generation"
DQM_subdesc1_3 = "Battery Testing"
DQM_subdesc1_4 = "For Hire"
DQM_subdesc1_5 = "Metering"
DQM_subdesc1_6 = "Transfer Switches"
DQM_subdesc1_7 = "SCADA System"
DQM_icon_index1_0 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_1 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_2 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_3 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_4 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_5 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_6 = 0
DQM_icon_index1_7 = 0
DQM_url1_0 = "load_banks.html" 
DQM_url1_1 = "pumping.html"
DQM_url1_2 = "power_generation.html"
DQM_url1_3 = "battery_testing.html"
DQM_url1_4 = "for_hire.html"
DQM_url1_5 = "metering.html"
DQM_url1_6 = "transfer_switches.html"
DQM_url1_7 = "scada.html"


回答者 TAKA  [削除]  投稿日 2008/12/23(火) 21:40:00


